HVB: Why do I have to enter three TAN's for a Payment? - iOS-Version / Send Money / Request Money - Outbank Helpdesk

2fa, hvb, tan, tanabfrage, ueberweisung

HVB: Why do I have to enter three TAN's for a Payment?

The HypoVereinsbank changed the 2-factor authentication after deactivating mobile TAN. Since the update, each account refresh has to be authorized by the user:

- The HVB transmits the checking, saving and investments accounts via the FinTS interface. For the FinTS accounts a TAN must be entered for each account update in Outbank.

- The bank doesn't offer any credit cards via FinTS, therefore Outbank fetches them via screen scraping  from the online banking website. Each login on the website requires a confirmation in the HVB app.

Therefore the following procedure is currently required in Outbank for transfers:
  1. The first TAN is required for the HBCI / FinTS Login at HVB
  2. The second TAN has to be entered for the payment
  3. The third TAN is required from bank again for the HBCI / FinTS Login 

Unfortunately, Outbank has no influence on how often the authentication is required by a bank.