My Bank migrated with another Bank and the BIC changed. What do I have to do in Outbank? - iOS-Version / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Outbank Helpdesk

My Bank migrated with another Bank and the BIC changed. What do I have to do in Outbank?

If your bank has merged and you have a new  bank code / BIC, please proceed in Outbank as follows:

  1. Add a new bank login with the new bank code / BIC 

  2. Disconnect your "old" accounts. This way you can  keep your complete account history  in Outbank:

- iOS: ‘Accounts’> ‘Select old account’> ‘Press the dropdown next to the account name’> ‘Disconnect this account’> ‘ON’

- macOS: ‘Select the old account in your account list’> ‘Click on the account name above the  list of transactions’> ‘Settings’> ‘Disconnect account’> Check the box

- Android: ‘Accounts’> ‘Select old account’> ‘Press the three dots next to the account name’> “Settings”> ‘Disconnect account’> ‘ON’

Disconnected accounts are shown grayed at the bottom of your account list. If you want to hide them completely, you can do so in the account settings.