How can I do Transfers with the Outbank App? - iOS-Version / Send Money / Request Money - Outbank Helpdesk

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How can I do Transfers with the Outbank App?

If your bank offers Transfers for your accounts via FinTS, you can send them from your Outbank App:

To do a Transfer, follow the steps below:

  1. Start a new payment via ‘+ New’ > ‘Send money’
  2. Select the account you want to send the money from.
  3. Enter the recipient's name and IBAN. 
  4. Enter the amount to be transferred and the transfer reason.
    If Transfers have been activated by your bank for the selected account via the FinTS interface, you can select 'Transfer' as 'Payment type'.
  5. Next you see the summary of the payment. Double-check your entries and tap on ‘Send Now’ to submit the Transfer. 
  6. Enter the TAN or confirm the transaction via the TAN app of your bank.