How can I split a Transaction in the Outbank App? - Android-Version / Transactions - Outbank Helpdesk

How can I split a Transaction in the Outbank App?

Quickly split a transaction into two Split-Transactions:  

  1. Search for the transaction you want to split.
  2. Swipe from right to left over the transaction in the list > 'Split'
  3. A new window will open for the Split-Transaction.
  4. Enter the amount of the Split Transaction and add a note and / or a category & tag. 
  5. Tap on 'Ready' to split the transaction.
  6. You will see two connected Split-Transactions now in your list of transactions. The Outbank App automatically adjusts the Main-Split-Transaction.

 Split a transaction into more Split-Transactions:

  1. Search for the transaction you want to split in more then two Split-Transactions. 
  2. Tap on ‚Split Transaction‘ in the transaction details
  3. A new window will open > Tap on 'Add Split Transaction' 
  4. Enter the amount of the Split Transaction and add a note and / or a category & tag. 
  5. Tap on 'Ready' to split the transaction.
  6. Outbank App automatically adjusts the Main-Split-Transaction in the main view.
  7. Using this 'Split Transaction'-Feature you can add as many split-Transactions as you want to. 
  8. After finishing the splits you will see all the connected Split-Transactions now in your list of transactions