How to Customize the Contact List Manually? - iOS-Version / Send Money / Request Money - Outbank Helpdesk

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How to Customize the Contact List Manually?

Outbank displays all your payment contacts in the payment window based on your transaction history. You can personalize this contact list to suit your needs.

You can mark your most important payment contacts, or if a contact has multiple accounts and you prefer one for your transfers, as favorites. This makes it easier to find these contacts, as favorites appear at the top of the suggestions list for payments.

Here's is how you can mark a contact as favorite:

  • In the payment window: Start a new payment and mark the contact in the list of suggestions with the yellow star.
  • In the transaction details: Open the  details of a transaction and  tab on the yellow star next to the receiver name.
  • At the end of a payment:After completing a payment, you can also add the contact to your favorites.

Please note: 
Only contacts where the IBAN is transferred can be marked as a favorite.

If a contact's account details have changed, you can remove the suggested contact with outdated account data from your payment recipient list:

  1. To start a new payment, tap  ‘+ New’ > ‘Send Money’ on iOS and Android or click ‘Options’ > ‘Send Money’ on macOS.
  2. Select the account you want to send money from.
  3. Tap into the recipient’s  field. When you start typing the recipient's name, the Outbank app will suggest your existing payment contacts based on your transaction history. If you want to remove a contact from your recipient list, simply swipe left on the contact’s cell (on iOS and Android) or click ‘Hide’ on macOS to hide it.