The Topcard is not integrated as own integration in Outbank. But you can import the transaction into an Offline Account to have the full overview.
Please proceed as follows:
Create an offline Account in Outbank:
Start the app's setup by selecting '+ NEW' > 'Add Account.'
Search for 'Offline Account', select it from the Top List or the product groups.
Select the account type that suits your needs.
Import the transactions as follows:
Export the transaction from each account from the Onlinebanking Website of Topcard as CSV file.
Start your historical transactions import from the account settings:
To open the account settings on your iOS device, select the account and tap on the account name above the list of transactions or use the context menu in the list of accounts (long tap on the account cell).
On your Android press the three dots in the upper right corner of the list of transactions and then select 'Settings'.
On your Mac, right-click or secondary click (e.g., click with two fingers at the same time) on the trackpad over the account cell in the list of accounts and select 'Settings'. Alternatively, you can also select the account, click on the button with the account name in the top left and then select the 'Settings' tab.
Go to 'Import Transactions' to launch the import window.