How can I set whether all transactions or only unread transactions should be displayed? - iOS-Version / Search & Filter - Outbank Helpdesk

How can I set whether all transactions or only unread transactions should be displayed?

At the top of your account list you have a unified transaction view with transactions from all your accounts ('All transactions'). Per default  you see all transactions from all accounts. 

If you only want to see the new and unread transactions here, you can activate the quick filter for 'Unread Transactions' with only one click:

  • In the iOS app:
    Open the timeline with 'All Transactions' > click on the button with the three horizontal lines at the end of the transaction list. 
  • In the Android App:
    Open the 'All Transactions' list > Tap on the button with the three dots in the top right corner > select 'Only unread transactions'.
  • In the macOS app:
    Open the timeline with 'All Transactions' > click on the button with the three horizontal lines in right upper corner above the transaction list. %%Outbank$$

 When the filter is active, only unread transactions will be displayed. In this case, the cell in the account list will also show only the total of unread transactions.