How can I export Transactions as csv File? - macOS-Version / Print / Export - Outbank Helpdesk


How can I export Transactions as csv File?

You can export transactions as a csv file from your Mac.

  • Export multiple transactions as csv file:
    'Select account in the account list'> 'Select the desired transaction while holding the cmd key'> 'File'> 'Export'> Select the location where the csv file is to be the transaction
  • Export all transactions of an account as csv file:
    'Select account in the account list' > 'Select all transactions with the shortcut 'cmd+a' > 'File' > 'Export' > Select the location where the csv file is to be saved

Under 'Settings' > 'Personalization' > 'Transaction List,' you can choose which fields should be exported:

  • Dynamic: This is the default setting. The CSV file will include an additional column for each field type present in the exported transactions. 
  • Base Data: The CSV file will only include columns for the standard transaction fields. 
  • Extra Column: The CSV file will include columns for all standard transaction fields, along with an extra column that consolidates all additional transaction fields.