How can I transfer my Data to a new iOS Device? - iOS-Version / Backups - Outbank Helpdesk


How can I transfer my Data to a new iOS Device?

To transfer your data to a new iOS device, follow these steps below:

  1. Open the Settings of your app on your current device and go to the backups.
  2. Create a new backup or tap on an existing backup you want to transfer to the new device > Share > choose a sharing option > e.g. send via mail > send backup to your email address.
  3. Install Outbank on your new iOS device.
  4. Tap on the backup file on the new device (e.g. in the attachment of the email) and choose 'Copy to Outbank' > 'Restore': 'Yes'
  5. Enter the App Password you used when creating the backup. It can vary from your current App Password.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After restoring a backup, you need to log in with your Outbank ID again.

In case you use the data synchronisation between multiple devices, please reset the 'Secure Sync' as described here:

Tip: The Secure Sync feature allows you to synchronize all data across different devices and spare you precious time. To find out how to set up the Secure Sync, go to